Inner Potential lecture

In these days it is not uncommon for people to be preoccupied with their own self-development. This is why Allan Jaggard explained WHY a person should develop their inner potential rather than HOW, during a free one-hour lecture entitled “HOW TO ENHANCE YOUR INNER POTENTIAL” on Saturday, August 9th at Origo Books 4th Anniversary Celebration Day.
Allan presented a concise lecture to 25 individuals who had never heard of The Aetherius Society before!  He explained that everything in the universe has potential, and that the one thing he wanted the audience to go away knowing is that all life everywhere is from the same source and that it all came from The Original Potential. He encouraged the attendees to discover their own inner potential and suggested material such as Realize Your Inner Potential by Dr. George King and Richard Lawrence, and Chrissie Blaze’s Soul Fitness, both available for sale at Origo Bookstore. Allan demonstrated dynamic prayer after a woman in the audience commented that she did not know what that was!  He stressed that by developing their own inner potential,  they too would become a spiritual tool in helping others evolve, and especially that they would be able to help The Mother Earth as She is transitioning into Her New Age.
At the end of the lecture, a copy of the book Realize Your Inner Potential was raffled off. The winner was extremely excited and had Allan autograph her book (see picture attached).
All attendees were invited back for a follow-up lecture which is scheduled to take place September 6th, when Allan will speak about THE BENEFIT OF MYSTIC PRACTICES PERFORMED IN GROUPS.

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