Benefit of Mystic Practices Performed in Groups

It seemed appropriate with the roll-out of a new campaign to promote the formation of Twelve Blessings Groups, that Allan Jaggard presented a lecture on The Benefit of Mystic Practices Performed in Groups. As this campaign is not designed directly to build membership, but to build the numbers of people open to performing The Twelve Blessings, it seemed an opportune time to educate the small number of participants to the power and benefit of coming together to give service in the Name of God.

Ten eager and willing people came to the Origo Bookstore in Toronto on September 6th, 2014 and learned how their cooperation could make a difference to the whole world. “It will be the few that will save the many” Allan explained. It was appropriate because of the tens of thousands of people that were in the immediate vicinity, most were indulging themselves in their own self interests at the Toronto International Film Festival, while a tiny group of ten people were interested to learn how they could enhance themselves to benefit all of mankind.

A brief introduction was followed by a well-received presentation, and then Allan played for the small group the extremely well-done video production of “From Inner Peace to World Peace ~ The Twelve Blessings”. This was followed up with the audience joining in a group prayer using the Third Blessing. The participants were quite enthusiastic about the power they felt during the repetition of this prayer and many expressed interest in checking out the new website when it becomes available. One copy of The Nine Freedoms was sold.

Mystic Practices in Groups


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