The Mysterious Power of Kundalini

The Toronto Group was extremely fortunate to have the guest-speaker, the Rt. Rev. Brian Keneipp present a very interesting and informative lecture called ‘The Mysterious Power of Kundalini’ at the Toronto Centre on Saturday, Jan.18, 2014. The room was almost packed to capacity with 37 attentive people. Allan Jaggard delivered a brilliant introduction about the Society and Brian‘s background, and the audience gave Brian a ‘warm Canadian welcome’. The lecture and the descriptive power-point presentation that Brian had prepared were superb! After questions and a break, Brian spent the second half giving explanations about the various ways of giving Service to help naturally open the chakras, including Operation Prayer Power, some of the other Missions, Healing, and the Twelve Blessings. He played the actual transmission of the First Blessing and all those who knew the prayer following, joined together. He had the audience all recite the AUM seven times, which was tremendously powerful, and then everyone directed uplifting energy to the Australian fires as well as the Russian Olympics, while Brian said prayers. A photographer from SNAP Mississauga magazine took photos afterwards for an upcoming article.

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