Pendulum Dowsing Workshop

Pendulum course

On Sunday, September 20, 2015 from 1:30-4:30pm, The Toronto Group held an interactive Pendulum Dowsing Workshop at the Toronto Centre, for 3 very keen students who each purchased one of our hand-made Radionic Pendulums.
       Allan Jaggard gave an excellent philosophical introductory talk to establish the background as to how and why pendulum dowsing works and explained the levels of mind and consciousness. After the break he demonstrated how muscle testing (kinesiology) works on each of them. He then tested each person for the 12 Schuessler tissue-salts at one table with his pendulum, and we had a second station set up where the students could test themselves for 9 mystery products that ranged from vitamins, tinctures, probiotics, interspersed with a soft drink and white sugar, so they could see different uses and applications for this newly-learned pendulum dowsing technique. Very good confirming results were attained for both sets of tests when the list of products and salts were revealed.
A couple of comments posted on ‘Meetup’ afterwards were:

Excellent instruction and information. Thanks so much Allan!

This was very enlightening and informative. Thank you Allan, well done!

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