‘MEDIUMSHIP~Its Levels and Types’ lecture

The subject of “Mediumship” is very misunderstood among the general public and even among so-called ‘New-Age students’. There are many people these days, claiming to be channeling messages from elevated Masters on the realms around Earth, the Master Jesus, and even from advanced beings from other worlds and galaxies, such as‘The Galactic Federation’ or ‘The Guardians’ or ‘The 51 Angels called The ANGEL LIGHT’. People need to be armed with some tools for discrimination. On Saturday, April 12th, 2014, Allan Jaggard of the Toronto Group gave a brilliant lecture in our continuing series at ORIGO Bookstore in Toronto, entitled ‘MEDIUMSHIP~Its Levels and Types’ to try to educate 17 very interested people.  Allan explained that you can have both positive & negative aspects to both ‘conscious’ & ‘unconscious’ Trance. He said the difference between Positive and Negative, can be described as such… In positive you have “control” and the condition is brought about entirely by the Medium. In the negative form, the Medium or the student is not controlling the condition (blanking mind, etc) and leaving much to happen-stance, hence the inherent dangers. Allan elucidated the Samadhic condition and stressed why it was used by the unique and excellent Medium Dr.George King, and then showed the “Lifeline” interview to visually illustrate the point. He also played the first transmission that ever came through Dr. King, in early January 1955, of the Master Jesus, as well as another transmission from the Master Aetherius called ‘The New World’. People were extremely impressed and even after 2+½ hours were disappointed when it was over, saying there could easily be a ‘part 2’ to this lecture, because they wanted to know more. Two comments afterwards on Meetup:”Great meeting! a lot of interesting things mentioned! I wish we had more time to discuss the topics but it was a great meeting!” “It was a very informative and empowering talk. I’m grateful that such resources are made available. Allan Jaggard is a very well-presented & excellent speaker. It was nice to meet many amazing spiritual people afterwards. Thank you!!!”

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