Colour Therapy

  On Friday, March 21st, 2014, The Toronto Group gave a wonderful Workshop called ‘Colour Therapy~The Healing Energy of Colour’ at the ORIGO Metaphysical Bookstore in downtown Toronto. Fourteen people attended, most not having any prior experience with the therapeutic uses of colour. The class began by pairing off the students and having them ask each other questions, then turn back to back to see how closely they were paying attention, without knowing, to colour in our everyday interactions, like the colour of their eyes and clothes. There was much conversation and laughing and a great illustrative introduction. The two hour lecture then went into the attributes of colour, the psychic centres and the various general applications in Energy and Colour Healing. We had different light ‘stations’ set up where the participants could ‘bathe’ in green, or focus selected colours on certain Centres or other parts of their bodies. The audience through a guided Violet Flame Practice, having first projected a violet colour on the wall, as His Eminence had suggested in Cosmic Voice issue 24, to show how this can intensify their visualization capabilities. The audience was also shown a blue glass bottle and went briefly into the charging of water with light, as outlined in the Practices of Aetherius and Realize Your Inner Potential. Everyone learned a lot about how to use colour for health, healing, inspiration, relaxation and protection and really enjoyed this informative and interesting course.

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