UFOs and The Spiritual Dimension

The term “UFO” – “unidentified flying object” – is often inappropriate since many so-called “UFOs” have clearly been identified as extraterrestrial spacecraft or vehicles from other worlds. These have been visiting Earth for millennia; in the Bible they are described in various ways including “pillars of cloud”, “star” and “flying scroll”, and in the Hindu scripts there is the Sanskrit word, vimana, which means “flying celestial vehicle”. It is extraordinary how many UFO accounts there are in ancient records and religions – from totally different places, periods of history, cultures and belief systems. There are even mysterious depictions of UFOs in art. The important thing about UFOs is not so much the craft itself but the beings who man and control these craft. Extraterrestrial life definitely exists, and have visited – and continues to visit – our world.

Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist on other planets in this solar system. Science as we know it has not detected this life because it exists at higher frequencies of vibration on these planets. These beings are sometimes termed “Cosmic Masters”, because they are both technologically and spiritually much more advanced than we are. In great compassion and self-sacrifice, they help humankind on Earth in countless ways. Without them we would have long since perished.

Their Spiritual message will be revealed in this riveting Lecture. http://aetheriustoronto.com/lectures-2/


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