The Benefits of Performing Mystic Practices in Groups Lecture

On Sunday, November 6, 2016, Allan Jaggard gave a stimulating talk at The Toronto Centre to 14 attentive people, called

“The Benefits of Performing Mystic Practices in Groups.”

He started the lecture by laying the groundwork with explanations of karma & reincarnation, The One Energy, and the power of prayer. He especially went into how potent prayer can become when performed dynamically, as well as stressed how much more power there can be in numbers. He gave the audience an easy-to-understand example such as ‘team sports’, and also how even in an individual sport, it takes an entire ‘team’ to create success (such as personal trainers, sponsors, family support, etc.)  We played the video production ‘From Inner Peace to World Peace’ and gave them the link to this video on YouTube and, to not only promote the Twelve Blessings Power Circles that we regularly have at our Centre, but also online participation.  We then projected the Third Blessing on the large screen and handed a copy of it out to everyone, and Allan demonstrated saying this prayer with more and more intensity and feeling. Then all of the attenders joined in saying it together with hands raised in the prayer position. After this we played over the mantra given by The Master on the CD ‘Right Motive, Right Power’, and everyone repeated this mantra together as Allan, at the same time was saying a prayer for a current world situation. They were all very excited afterwards saying that they could really feel the power. Barb pointed out that we sent 14×14 ‘volts’ of energy as a group and multiplied this by 3000 because we are in a Spiritual Push, which Allan then explained further in more detail. He also elucidated how good equipment equals better and quicker results, and likened this to the incredible potency of participating in a mystic service at an officially sanctioned Aetherius Society Group due to the karmic manipulation of the link formed with beings on the higher mental realms.  Here is a comment made on Meetup by an attendee:

        “An extremely insightful and inspiring talk!”

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